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OTC Dex to Trade Points, Airdrop Allocations, Pre Market Tokens and Whitelists.

Built by the traders for the traders: A platform for trading protocol points, airdrop allocations, pre-market tokens, and whitelists.

Trading in pre-market tokens and points has relied on private, trust-based exchanges that often compromise on security, leaving traders at the risk of fraud.

Frontrun addresses these issues by managing an on-chain Orderbook (ETH and Blast at the moment), ensuring all transactions are transparent, agreed upon, and executed on-chain. This not only boosts the efficiency and cost of the trades but also mitigates the risk.

The platform also helps with the price discovery of illiquid tokens that are yet to launch, helping users to discover the price before it gets listed.

Frontrun is now live on Ethereum and Blast with Season 1 of Rewards

Last updated